Thursday, December 27, 2007

Beware - The Dream Stealers

I first came across an article about Dream Stealers many,many years ago , and after some thought on the matter I concluded that my dreams and ambitions were just too strong ( boy, was I ever wrong !). Unfortunately the Dream Stealers are very cunning in their methods and pretty soon they bring you down if you let them, but the problem is you don't realise this is happening. I hope this article helps if anyone has encountered anything similair.

It happened to me, you see, I was always a very positive guy, enjoying helping people to make money, freely giving knowledge I had learned about the real world (stock market etc), stuff like that. The more you give the more you recieve, Right !

Some people took the knowledge and made a lot of money which made me feel good, but instead of sharing this knowledge, they took took ownership of it as if they were the ones who discovered it, Sad. At the same time they would caution me on other ventures, but Im the type of person who tries many things and if they work fine.

But gradually, over a period of time things started to go wrong in my life, everything I tried was going wrong , I could not figure out what the problem was, I had never in my life felt so helpless, it was as if that little voice inside was telling me "forget it - it aint going to work" , for the life of me I could not figure out what I was doing wrong.

At night I like to walk, enjoy the peace and get in touch with my inner thoughts, and it was on one of these walks, the reason for my problems was given to me. Now this has happened many times before, I will be thinking of something and something completely different will pop in to my head. As I walked, the words "Dream Stealers" just came to me !! Now as I said, I had read about this many years ago but certainly not recently so why would it just appear. The more I thought about it the more it made sense.

As James Ray points out, we think about things on a conscious level, but most things manifest from the subconscious level, this is where your real dreams and passion reside. The Dream Stealers had got me to the point of not even believing in myself subconsciously, even though I felt I still had the passion.
I had the dreams and passion on the outside but inside I was saying "it ain't going to work".

After going through this episode I am trying to put my life back together, but my thoughts are "things happen for a reason", and as long as I learn from this lesson I will be stronger for the experience.

The following tips will help you keep your dreams safe:

1. Keep your mouth shut ( I should have done that )-Most dreams get stolen because we share our dreams with the wrong people. We hope that they'll be as excited as we are about what we hope to accomplish with our lives, but too often we're disappointed and they steal our dreams. This rule is especially important at family gatherings.

2. Share your Successes but not your failures--Every time you succeed it makes you believe in your dream a little bit more and gives you that much more confidence. And when you share your successes with the dream stealers, it takes away their power. Don't share your failures because then the dream stealers take that as validation of their opinion that you'll never succeed.

3. Plan your defense--Sometimes dream stealers find out about our dreams through other people and they'llconfront us. Some typical openers are:?"So, Johnny tells me that you're...." ?"Why didn't you tell me that you were going to...."?

To help you realise your dreams visit -

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