Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Power of Desire, Belief and Expectation

Here are Some Ways to Build and Maintain Desire

Think About How Others Will Benefit

Think about what you can do with the money you earn to benefit the world. Perhaps you're environmentally conscious, pro-peace, care about education for under-privileged kids...think about what you can do with the money you earn to promote and fund these causes.

Use Reminder Tokens

Want a new car? Your desire may be high when you first set the goal, but like many people, it may wane as time goes on. This of course, does not help with the Law of Attraction.
To keep the thought of the new car constantly on your mind try creating reminder tokens. Get a set of keys made - generic keys - and carry them in your pocket.
These simple reminders help keep the thought of the new vehicle fully fresh in your mind.
Another common technique is using a mock check. Tear out a check from your bank book. Make a check out to yourself, writing to yourself the amount of money you wish to manifest into your life.

Daily Focus

Yet another way to keep desire strong is by practicing the manifestation process we outlined in Lesson 5. The daily practice of visualizing your goals and feeling the positive emotions associated with them will help keep the desire strong and flowing.

The Second Force of Power - BELIEF

After you have built up your desire to attract something into your life the next step is to strengthen your belief system.

Why is Belief so Important to the Process?

Your thoughts, when directed towards a certain thing - will bring that thing to you. But the reverse also occurs - if you worry and experience anxiety about getting something, in other words the thought of lacking something, this has the effect of pushes it away from you.
This is why belief is so critical. If you do not believe you can attain something, your worries and anxiety will counter any positive thoughts you have of the goal and neutralize the workings of the Law of Attraction.

The man I want to become,if I BELIEVE myself to be,I will become
~ Gandhi

Whatever you seek to achieve MUST be within the realm of what you believe to be possible.
Belief is a powerful tool and doctors are still often astounded by what belief can do to a patient's health
Read More .... HERE

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