Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What do you want out life?

Money? Power? Love?

Would you like to experience some control over your life and be able to create what you desire?

Would you like to feel like you have control over your health and your wealth -- and have all the money you need or desire?

Would you like to experience warmer and more rewarding relationships with your partner, your children, even YOURSELF? Would you like to feel respected by others?

The truth is, you can understand and master your own desires...

There is a secret to an endless source of money, power, and love in your life...
It is the same secret used by the most powerful, persuasive, attractive, wealthy and romantic figures from today and throughout history... Continue to read on and you will be enlightened ... you will discover the secret and be able to start using it yourself...

Everybody will sense but never quite know what is different about you -- except that you now radiate confidence and attract success...
A no-effort, cannot-fail success system so radical, you can toss aside all traditional self-improvement and positive-thinking programs you have ever purchased...

There is a guaranteed no-nonsense way to get the results you want…

Once you understand "the secret", you can toss aside all the self-improvement, goal setting and positive thinking programs that HAVE NEVER YET delivered for you…

I say that quite confidently: I personally do not teach positive thinking. To me, by the time you think positive it is too late. It is important to understand that is not our thinking that creates our circumstances, but the emotion that is attached to our thoughts.

As outlined in Think and Grow Rich, "Thoughts become Things"... And this is correct, but not 100% strictly the full story.

In fact, not ALL thoughts become things, only the thoughts that are accompanied with strong feelings and emotion... Read More

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Million Dollar Secret

Tried everything to make more money without success? Maybe the answer lies not where you have been looking…
You’re about to discover the Truth about why major wealth alludes you…
Sign up today for your FREE 6-day e-course that reveals…

The Million Dollar SecretThat Can Change Your Life…

In The Next 6 Days You Will Discover...

  • How to create what you desire – including Wealth…
  • Five startling reasons why most self-improvement programs fail…
  • How to dramatically improve the results of any self-improvement program…
  • Thoughts, or more accurately emotions, really do determine how your life plays out. HOW and WHY this is true…
  • The MILLION DOLLAR SECRET that can change your life, revealed…
  • Why you are already an expert at creating wealth – maybe you just didn’t know it…

And much more .....

“The Million Dollar Secret That Can Change Your Life”…HERE

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Power of Desire, Belief and Expectation

Here are Some Ways to Build and Maintain Desire

Think About How Others Will Benefit

Think about what you can do with the money you earn to benefit the world. Perhaps you're environmentally conscious, pro-peace, care about education for under-privileged kids...think about what you can do with the money you earn to promote and fund these causes.

Use Reminder Tokens

Want a new car? Your desire may be high when you first set the goal, but like many people, it may wane as time goes on. This of course, does not help with the Law of Attraction.
To keep the thought of the new car constantly on your mind try creating reminder tokens. Get a set of keys made - generic keys - and carry them in your pocket.
These simple reminders help keep the thought of the new vehicle fully fresh in your mind.
Another common technique is using a mock check. Tear out a check from your bank book. Make a check out to yourself, writing to yourself the amount of money you wish to manifest into your life.

Daily Focus

Yet another way to keep desire strong is by practicing the manifestation process we outlined in Lesson 5. The daily practice of visualizing your goals and feeling the positive emotions associated with them will help keep the desire strong and flowing.

The Second Force of Power - BELIEF

After you have built up your desire to attract something into your life the next step is to strengthen your belief system.

Why is Belief so Important to the Process?

Your thoughts, when directed towards a certain thing - will bring that thing to you. But the reverse also occurs - if you worry and experience anxiety about getting something, in other words the thought of lacking something, this has the effect of pushes it away from you.
This is why belief is so critical. If you do not believe you can attain something, your worries and anxiety will counter any positive thoughts you have of the goal and neutralize the workings of the Law of Attraction.

The man I want to become,if I BELIEVE myself to be,I will become
~ Gandhi

Whatever you seek to achieve MUST be within the realm of what you believe to be possible.
Belief is a powerful tool and doctors are still often astounded by what belief can do to a patient's health
Read More .... HERE

Friday, January 11, 2008

Attracting Abundance

The Process

Step 1: Know What You Want

The first and most important part of the process is KNOWING what you want. It's amazing how many people live their lives without setting any clear, specific goals.
Once you have a clear, definite idea of the type of life you want to build, you're ready for Step 2.

Step 2: Meditation

Once you've identified your goals, write them down somewhere. There's power in commiting goals to paper.
The next step is to pick a time of the day, where you can spend 5 to 15 minutes, uninterrupted and do nothing but focus on your goals.
The best time to do this is in the morning when you've just woken up. Lie up in bed or on a comfy couch. You'll spend the next few minutes focusing on your goals.
This will be your daily "meditation" time.

First, move into a state of relaxed meditation. Don't get hung up on the word "meditation". We're not talking about specific forms of Eastern or Religious meditation. We're talking about moving into a peaceful relaxed state where you can connect to your subconscious.
Find a comfortable position - maybe lying on a bed or on the sofa. Be comfortable enough that you can relax - but not too comfy that you might fall asleep.
You do not have to worry about "clearing your mind" or sitting cross-legged or any other type of meditation cliche. All we want you to do is get into a peaceful relaxed state.
At this point, from Lesson 4, you should already have a clear idea of what changes you seek to attract into your life. It could be health, money, love, giving back to society - anything that pulls you out of the current reality trap and excites you.

If you still have no idea what you want at present don't worry - a state of peaceful meditation can be the perfect time to reflect and realize what you desire. Research shows that people tend to be more creative and in touch with their intuitive sides when they are in such states of meditation. Use this time to think creatively about what you wish to do with your life.

Step 3: Visualize What You Want

While at your state of relaxed meditation, visualize yourself having attained that which you're seeking to attract.

For example, if you're seeking to move into a bigger home, see yourself having this home. Picture yourself living out your dreams in your new home, such as wining and dining friends in the spacious kitchen, playing with the kids in the living room, mowing the greenest lawn and perfecting your flourishing garden. Bring in images that reflect the quality and type of home you want for your ideal lifestyle. If you want a pool - see yourself lounging by the poolside and enjoying the sun.
There are many ways to practice visualization. What you're doing here is called "Creative Visualization". It's creative in the sense that you're attracting to you -- creating-- that which you visualize.

Use Your Senses
It's important to make your imagery clear, vivid and colorful. The more realistic the visualization, the better the results. Some people may have difficulty visualizing. Don't worry about this - it could simply mean that your dominant sense is not sight. But maybe it's taste, or touch or hearing. That's fine - feel the warmth of your new fireplace, hear the sound of your kids playing in the pool, smell the gorgeous smells wafting from your new kitchen. The more senses you bring into this imagery, the better the results.
Bring Emotions Into The Mix
Remember the equation?

Emotions help magnify your power of attraction. When visualizing the life you want, feel the joy, happiness and excitement of the situation.
The stronger your emotions - the faster you can manifest into your reality that which you're trying to attract.
To increase the emotions associated with your visualization - build the feeling of having it NOW. IN other words, when you see your dream home, don't think of it as something that COULD come to you in the future. Imagine you had your dream home right now - picture yourself there and just think how you would feel if you were in that home right now - NOT sometime in the future IF you had enough money - but in the HERE and NOW.
Seek the Greater Good
Another way to increase the emotions behind your creative visualization practice is to imagine more than just you benefiting from your attraction. Staying with the house analogy - see your kids loving the lawn because they have space to play ball. See your spouse loving the brand new living room. See your friends and family visiting and feeling the warmth and beauty of the new home.
Do you recall the good feelings you get when you do a charitable act like donate money, or when you give a gift to someone who means a lot to you?
Remember what we said about feelings? Feelings are the soul's way of letting you know you're on the right track. The act of giving feels good because it's aligned with your inner being. The joy you feel is a sign of the appropriateness of your thoughts.
So when you practice creative visualization, see others benefiting. Family, kids, spouse, community, friends - the more people the better. When you see the smiles and happiness on someone else's face (even if you're just imagining a possible outcome), it helps to draw out more positive emotion. This added emotion in turn makes the process of manifesting faster and smoother.
That's really all it takes. Bring in your senses. Make the image real. Feel emotions and see others benefiting.
This whole process can take 5 - 20 mins. It's up to you. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to set the gears of the Universe moving in your favor.
Now the final step.

Step 4: Apply Definite Action

Once you've determined what you want and channeled your thoughts and emotions towards this outcome the next step is to start paving the way for that future reality to come your way. The key is ACTION.
Let's say you've been meditating and visualizing a new home. Start doing something - anything - to move you towards acquiring this home. It does not matter if you do not know exactly what you need to do. Nor does it matter if you don't have the financial resources to acquire the home. Keep focused on it, believe you will acquire it and take action
Napoleon Hill says:
Do not wait for a definite plan, through which you intend to exchange services or merchandise in return for the money you are visualizing, but begin at once to see yourself in possession of the money, demanding and expecting meanwhile, that your subconscious mind will hand over the plan, or plans you need.
Let's analyze that statement. What Hill is saying is that when you're seeking to manifest money, or a home or anything you wish, DO NOT worry if you're unsure of what action you need to take. Begin at once to chanel your thoughts towards what you're trying to attract and the answer you seek - the action you need to take - will come to you.
It may come as an inspired thought or maybe even a 'EUREKA' moment or simply a moment of clarity while meditating or through a book you find or something a friend says - the possibilities are endlesss! The way it comes is not important. Trust that the answer will come.
Edison was known to have said "Ideas come from space. This may seem impossible and hard to believe but it’s true. Ideas come from out of space."
Edison was referring to intuition. He claimed that most of his ideas came to him through intuition. Edison, by the way, approved of the research conducted by Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich" and granted the process we're sharing here (inspired by Hill) his stamp of approval.
To rapidly create a flow of ideas and to keep you in the right mindframe for focusing on your goal the solution is essentially simple - you need to apply definite action.
Do something - ANYTHING - to move you towards your goal. Start looking up homes for sale in the newspapers. Start looking at new furniture (even if you've not yet found the right home). Speak to real estate agents, search the internet, buy books on purchasing houses.
Definite Action, when applied towards your definite goal, creates miracles through the Law of Attraction. One of the cardinal sins is to over-analyse whether you are doing the right thing. Don't worry about this - live your life and act on your beliefs what you think to be right.
As we know this cannot just happen overnight. Hill says, take a few steps "baby-steps" - towards your goal. As you take action, events and coincidences will guide you towards the end result. Live the process and as time goes on be amazed at the joy and happiness that enters your life!

The results can be dramatic:

Hill, after studying almost 500 of the most successful people of his era wrote that once you apply the process..

When Riches Begin to Come, They Come So Quickly, in Such Great AbundanceThat One Wonders Where They Have Been Hiding During All Those Lean Years
~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Begin this process tomorrow. Spending 10 minutes in the morning sitting in meditation may seem like a chore, given you might have to rush to work, look after the kids or beat traffic. But it may just be the most important 10 minutes of your day. Indeed many who practice this process -- swear that it is the single most productive 10 minutes of their entire day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Law of Attraction Free Lessons

Get Your 7 Free Lessons on the Science of Getting Rich

Go Deeper and Learn More ...
A Requirement for Anyone who has Studied the Law of Attraction

Sign Up Today to Receive 7 Beautiful Lessons from Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and Michael Beckwith the Master Teachers of the Secret and the World's Most Acclaimed Experts on the Law of Attraction.

You'll Learn...

* How to Best Tap into the Power of Your Inner Being

* Thoughts are Things - Understanding the Law of Attraction
* Thought Control - How to Attain Mastery of Your Thought Process
* Thinking Big - How to Expand Your Vision of Where You Want to Be
* Speed Manifesting - The Process For Powerfully Manifesting Abundance
* The Forces of Power - Desire, Belief and Expectancy
* The Secret to Wealth - Inspired Ideas and Definite Action

Claim Your 7 Free Lessons! - HERE

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Inspiring Quotes

All mankind's inner feelings eventually manifest themselves as an outer reality.

Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.

Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends.

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success."
-- Norman Vincent Peale

"Nothing on earth can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude"
-- Thomas Jefferson

"The most painful thing to experience is not defeat but regret"

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."

Real happiness is not dependent on external things. The pond is fed from within. The kind of happiness that stays with you is the happiness that springs from inward thoughts and emotions. You must cultivate your mind if you wish to achieve enduring happiness."

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. Not something to wish for, but to attain."

Success "No one has success until he has the abounding life. This is made up of the many-fold activity of energy, enthusiasm and gladness. It is to spring to meet the day with a thrill at being alive. It is to go forth to meet the morning in an ecstasy of joy. It is to realize the oneness of humanity."

"Each forward step we take we leave some phantom of ourselves behind." - Visit - The Secret Truths

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Money - The Truest Words

Money is a tool, a trial and a test.

If you want to expose a person’s true character, give them access to large sums of money.
Money reveals the heart of a person and the quality of their character.

Wealth isn't about money alone. It's about people, relationships, values, doing well by doing good, and certainly about family. Wealth is a GIFT - that needs to be safeguarded, nurtured and shared productively for the benefit of family and others.
“….. but money answereth all things.” Ecclesiastes 10:19

i.e. money explains everything –

the poor want it,
the rich horde it!

It will control those who cannot control it and destroy those who love it.

Visit - The Secret Truths